All about commenting to people

  1. go to a blog that you are interested in.
  2. click on add comment.
  3. make your good detailed comment and click post.
  4. then you made your comment.

What/what not to do while commenting

  •      The first thing you got to do to make a comment acceptable is to not say one word,(EXPLAIN YOUR COMMENT).Also don’t say bad thing or your private info.
  • (Example of a good comment):I loved how much you explained on hunting,But I would tell more about what you hunt and what you hunt with.
  • Good things to put in you comments is, that you need to make a good detail comment but not a paragraph long.Also give them something to add in or take out.

Rhodia Reverse Book Scrively | note taking & writing via Compfight

The comment is the most important part of the blog to have. A comment I did on someones post is “I love archery too, how long did you do it, and did you ever shoot a fifty.Also I love you did the intro to the blog.” It was about archery and I love to do archery.Also I complemented and asked a question.Lastly I didn’t just say one word,it was a whole sentence.I hope you learned from this and will comment.